Gemological Appraisal: Who Tells the Truth About the Diamond?

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Allot already have been talked, explained, and learned about the four parameters (The 4 C’s) by which professionals gemologists and diamond merchants – assess the quality and value of the diamond. Less is said about the significant differences between the various value appraisals given to the same diamond.

How can this be?

How can it be that, on the one hand, a jeweler determines the value and gemological appraisal for a diamond, and when the same diamond is sent to a reputable gemological institute, a different appraisal is received? The difference lies in the fact that the scale by which they examine the diamond’s color and clarity is not monochromatic. Additionally, two main factors contribute to these differences:

  1. Human perception: One of the beautiful and romantic things in the world of diamonds is that not every two gemologists will see the value of a given diamond eye to eye. One may view the diamond under the loupe and determine that its clarity is SI1, while another may say it is VS2. The same applies to determining the diamond’s color: one gemologist may say the diamond is color E, while another will say it is color F. Of course, differences in gemological findings translate directly into differences in value, sometimes significant. As I mentioned in previous articles, a good eye is worth a lot of money.
  2. Gemological laboratories: As a result of the first factor, a need arises for an institution that will be accepted by professionals in the industry, and according to which things will be measured. This institution is known as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). There are other gemological labs, But in our industry, the GIA laboratory gains the highest trust among the merchants. This fact places diamonds with GIA certificates at a higher value than diamonds certified by other gemological labs.

As a consumer, what should you do?

Firstly, you need to understand that a 1.00-carat diamond with color D and clarity VS2 documented by the GIA will cost much more than a 1.00-carat diamond with no gemological certificate or documented with color D and clarity VS2 from other gemological lab.

Now the essential question for you as a consumer is: Do you prefer full authenticity or  low price?

My recommendation to you is as follows: ask the seller for their gemological appraisal based on the GIA criteria. This way, you will save the cost of the certificate (50-100 dollars per carat) and also put the seller in an interesting position: they will need to apply their professional skills and stand behind their gemological appraisal, which raises both their personal and professional responsibility.

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